Your works tested by God and how to prepare

Your works tested by God and how to prepare
Your works tested by God and how to prepare

What you do with your time and skills matters, however not in the way we initially think. What are we doing with the time and opportunities we have while we walk this earth? Are we making an impact? Do we challenge the evils of our day and lift up Jesus; so He can draw many to Him?

This article is provoked by the portion of scripture that got me thinking; 1 Corinthians 3:12-15 NKJV

12 Now if anyone builds on this foundation [with] gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw,
13 each one’s work will become clear; for the Day will declare it, because it will be revealed by fire; and the fire will test each one’s work, of what sort it is.
14 If anyone’s work which he has built on [it] endures, he will receive a reward.
15 If anyone’s work is burned, he will suffer loss; but he himself will be saved, yet so as through fire.

Paul is speaking to the Corinthian church (which is true to us also) that our work will get tested. The work we do for Jesus will be tested by His very own fire. He is the Day mentioned in verse 13.

There is no darkness in Him and He will be the light in heaven instead of the sun giving off light (Revelation 21:23 NKJV), this symbolises that He is our everlasting day. So we understand that Jesus will test our work.

Using our gifts is work

We use creative mediums like art, teaching, video, and music as channels to get across the Gospel of Jesus and the goodness of God, right? This is how we use the talents we have been given by God. Whichever your Godly gifting is, we are called to use them to build our Father’s kingdom.

Perhaps we find ourselves in the predicament of channelling selfish ambitions and sinful desires? Do we mask our work seductively with the ‘Christian’ label, or ‘I’m doing this for God’? However, our hearts are after affirmation, approval, idolatry, and likes.

Our responsibility

There is no escaping the responsibility of a Christian in this world. Not only do we give an account for our life choices, words, and actions, but our work for the Lord will be scrutinised also and burnt with Jesus’ very own fire. The kind that will reveal what your motives truly are.

Yes, that sounds eccentric, but the Bible clearly states it, no filters.

We need to grapple with this apparent and provoking truth. We must begin to ‘test’ the heart before God in prayer and through His word. By doing so we can practice discernment and develop an understanding of our true intentions.

Don’t be deceived, ignorance of God’s word does not give you a pass in mercy. David summed up a response to ignorance simply in (Psalm 119:11).

Building Enduring Work

Human wisdom and fleshly attractions may have a place in life, but not in the building of the church. God teaches us to establish strong worthy foundations, the kind that pleases Him. If you are ever lost or at odds with testing your work, look intently into the life of Jesus again in the 4 gospels.

Live how He lived and pursue His teachings.

The word of God is the discerning power of human hearts (Heb 4:12). Let the holy scripture perform its very work in you as you serve in work for the Lord. Secular baggage and selfish ideas coupled with new relationships acquired on our journey can sidetrack us.

When we honour the reading of God’s word and daily prayer we are awake to the distractions and vices that sway us.

Test your ideas before God in prayer, and read the Bible to see what God speaks to you concerning your ministry. You can find truth and understanding of how to act; if you seek it.

Not by performance

It is very important that you do not fall into the trap of being performance-driven. It normally begins with thoughts in your heart that are influenced by how hard or effective you work for God. This leads to you becoming self-dependent on your performance.

Salvation will always be a free gift to you from God explicitly told to us in (Eph 2:8-10).

One of my favourite scriptures I hold firm to when I do my work is (Proverbs 16:3). I read this over in my heart because there is a centring my mind needs before I work or do for God. To commit my ways to Him so the direction and thoughts I have will be established and firm in His will.

Use this premise for your work so you can live a life of accountability to the Holy Spirit for the great work you do for His kingdom.

Is the work you do; for God or for you?

What will your reward be; will it stand the fire of Jesus?

Grapple with the verses of 1 Corinthians 3 and see how you can refine your ideas, purpose and work for God. The more of Jesus in what you do, the less of His fire will burn away your work. It will stand in His fire because it is Him.

Be Kingdom of Heaven minded in all you do.


  • Ask God to test the intent and motives of your heart, and guide you to holiness
  • Ask God to stir up a heart to remember to commit your ways to Him
Charles Celestin

Charles Celestin

Total posts created: 19
I am a born-again believer in Jesus. I enjoy business, writing, creativity, graphics, and occasionally dabbles in making rap music. An avid supporter of all things truth, regardless of the absurdity. I have a beautiful wife, 2 kids, and a family business.

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