The progress to take down Porn giants!

The progress to take down Porn giants!
The progress to take down Porn giants!

At Sober Mind, we care about people and how we treat each other. We firmly stand against the plights and spread of pornography worldwide and stand with organisations to see its end. The abuse, scandal and outright flouting of the laws and human rights of so many unwilling victims.

Have a read below of the action and incredible steps of brave men and women who are sizing up to these billion-dollar porn corporations with the aim to challenge their abuse. We hope you can help in some way possible to take down an industry that destroys generation after generation.

The Traffickinghub campaign, founded by Laila Mickelwait and powered by the anti-trafficking organization Exodus Cry, is a non-religious, non-partisan effort to hold the largest porn website in the world accountable for enabling and profiting off of the mass sex-trafficking and exploitation of women and minors.

The campaign is supported by a broad spectrum of over 300 child protection, anti-trafficking and women’s rights organizations, as well as experts and trafficking survivors of all backgrounds.

Here are some incredible progress points to date:

  • On March 15, 70 Canadian MPs & Senators send a letter to the Canadian police calling for a full criminal investigation of Pornhub/Mindgeek following a letter sponsored by the Traffickinghub Campaign.
  • March-April, Canada’s Ethics Committee investigates Pornhub/Mindgeeks’ crimes. The briefing is open to the public with Laila Mickelwait testifying.
  • On April 8, NCOSE in partnership with the Traffickinghub campaign hosts the first ever US Congressional briefing to expose Pornhub; survivors and experts uncover evidence of child exploitation, sex traffiicking and non-consensual content. The briefing features testimony from Laila Mickelwait.
  • On April 9, a shocking new documentary on Pornhub is released by W5, Canada’s most-watched investigative and current affairs program.
  • On April 14, in an industry-defining move, Mastercard announces that banks who process payments of adult content will now have to ensure that sellers require “clear, unambiguous and documented consent” for all of their content. This means there will be an age verification and consent for all individuals in every single video hosted on each porn site if the sites use Mastercard.
  • On April 16, The New York Times releases another hard-hitting exposé by journalist Nicholas Kristof, whose recent article on Pornhub created an international media shockwave. The fight to hold Pornhub and MindGeek accountable is now extending to other predatory behemoths of the porn industry.
  • Pornhub is the target of 5 lawsuits. Justice requires that this company pays for the immeasurable damage it has built its empire on.
  • Over 75 victims have reached out to the Traffickinghub Campaign to tell their story, and our Intervention Team have interacted with all those who have come forward. Some of these victims are involved in the civil lawsuits being launched against Pornhub and they are all being offered support.
  • Exodus Cry is providing a support program in partnership with the Sanar Institute for the survivors that are being represented in the civil cases against Pornhub. This program will provide them with trauma-informed therapy as they come forward to tell their story and work with our team.

Sign the petition to hold these pornography companies accountable.

Donate to the abolition of sex slavery, and let your money help others as we already do.

Thank you for being ready and potentially participating in this great cause.

Sober Admin

Sober Admin

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