People are complex! Are you?

People are complex! Are you?

Join me in understanding people a bit better. In no way conclusive but constrictive, to help us grow in wisdom.

Cracked screen, replacement needed

I was fixing my phone today, screws and motherboards, screens and connectors all playing a huge part in the success of my endeavours. My old phone is fine but has network issues. So I need to migrate my data and daily use to a new phone. However, this phone has a cracked screen. So as per usual to the theme tune of my life, I set out to restore this phone so I can save myself from entering a phone contract for 24 months.

So I ordered my new screen and case to disassemble, replace the cracked screen and connect the new one to the phone. It took around 1 hour to complete as I followed the step by step on a YouTube video tutorial helping me understand each element to remove.

Tiny screws, intricate wiring and hidden areas where adhesive keeps the battery and miscellaneous components in place. Pull too hard and you have to buy a new part, use the wrong instrument and you may have to buy a new phone outright.

There is constant tinkering and adjustments that need to be made. Photographic memory does not serve you here, you need to follow the tutorial step by step, constantly pausing and rewinding to get the exact reference point.

Ahhhhhh” – I just want to throw it at the wall. This is annoying! But forward I go.

After our own image

Then something clicked in my mind. People are very similar to the inside of phones. I would say personally I believe that when we started to make computers, there is internal wiring to make most things after our own image. The process and manufacturing reflect the human mind or body in various ways.

Take the mechanical arm used to build cars autonomously, this reflects the human arm. Let’s look at the motherboard of a computer which is the connection centre for all components. This reflects the human mind as the processing centre for thoughts and actions.

There are many other cross-references but you get the point, it reflects us mostly in nuanced ways but also in obvious ways.

We are all detailed

Seeing my phone open and in pieces makes me think about the way we treat each other. People are complex. At times difficult to understand, culturally ignorant and socially insensitive. Mostly not due to willful malice but inherent mindlessness towards their fellow neighbour.

Let’s be honest, most of us don’t love, show patience, kindness or even gentleness to our neighbour. Do you show peace and goodness to your neighbour?

I struggle at times to be consistent. I normally fall short at the ‘wiring’ part, how we have traumas, opinions, and experiences that shape our thinking.

My phone screen being broken was obvious to me, so I replaced it. however, the volume down button being pushed back slightly was not so blatant. So I reassembled the phone and stuck it together with adhesive, it was only in use did I realise the error.

We miss things, don’t we?

When dealing with friends and people on our life journey; we miss things that are not so blatant.

Jesus took time to understand

Jesus with the woman at Jacob’s well talked, discussed and got into the wiring, of the issue. John 4:4–26 highlights many points and principles to take here, but I see the conversation. Jesus listened and decided to unscrew the screws and understand the wiring.

a talk, especially an informal one, between two or more people, in which news and ideas are exchanged.

I wrote this article to really challenge our minds and hearts to open the housing (the case of the phone) of the people around us.


Let us ask questions and wait for the answer. Let’s not only look out for our own interests and feelings but to see how others authentically are. Really take apart the components in a conversation and you will see how more vibrant and fruitful a conversation can be. Most importantly grow in understanding of another.

Too many times we talk and don’t listen. Curse, cuss and complain but don’t understand. Opinionated tongues without the wisdom to love and care for each other. Mostly because we do not understand that we are more than a face and body. We are intricately wired and put together by God. He has made us after His image and likeness, let us treat each other with the value he does.

Next time you have a conversation, disagreement or confrontation with someone, take a look at your phone with the screen off. Look at your reflection on the screen and know there is more under the surface. Most of us are walking around with broken components, needing love and care, patience and kindness to mend.

Take time to talk about complex minds.

Charles Celestin

Charles Celestin

Total posts created: 19
I am a born-again believer in Jesus. I enjoy business, writing, creativity, graphics, and occasionally dabbles in making rap music. An avid supporter of all things truth, regardless of the absurdity. I have a beautiful wife, 2 kids, and a family business.

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