What is our duty?

Luke 17:10 ESV“So you also, when you have done all that you were commanded, say, ‘We are unworthy servants; we have only done what was our duty.”

What is our duty? As Christians who follow and choose to be obedient to Yeshua (Jesus)?

Duty means;

a moral or legal obligation; a responsibility

Reading this chapter I found some tough truths to understand but this verse stood out to me personally. Something that I have wrestled with in my own life. What is my duty as a Christian as a father, husband and friend? It’s easy to forget and drift along, thinking only of myself and what I desire.

Entitlement and its growth

Jesus here was talking about a subtle pride, an entitlement that grows in the heart of Christians, true Christians who are following him. Those who serve him through their lives, whether through forgiveness, love-displayed, patience, the gospel, teaching or a ‘prefer others’ attitude. He is talking about this growth that spurns inside.

Do we remember the suffering of the cross? #sobermind Share on X

I know this feeling inside of me when I want a ‘thank you from God’ for an intense week of serving. Helping others and putting their needs first, studying to preach or giving extra to my family and friends. Feeling service fatigue, I expect a well done from God. This is not the reason I serve, but when tired or not holding firm to devotional disciplines I develop the ‘subtle pride’ growth of entitlement. Can you relate?

I was inspired to write by the understanding that this is not a promise or requirement from God. It is not a expectation of the covenant between him and us. He does not need to say thank you or show any gratitude to us for the service that we display in our lives. In fact, it is our way of showing gratitude for all he has done for us through the service of redemption. Do we remember the suffering of the cross?

The unpayable debt

We can never repay or equal what Jesus has done for us. From the sacrifice of his life to death on a cursed cross for the sins of the world, and filling us with his Holy Spirit to live a holy life and love others. It begs us to ask “what do we offer?”

We offer very little to such an overwhelming gift. We are unworthy servants. Yes, we are children of God, a royal priesthood, a holy generation, loved by God (1 Peter 2:9). But… unworthy still. It’s because of Jesus we have eternal life and it’s because of him we are sustained to eternal life. Mathematically we are zero, we add nothing. This is not for us to feel low or depressed, to the contrary, let us be filled with happiness that Jesus is our all in all!

Let us be filled with happiness that Jesus is our all in all! #sobermind Share on X

So what is our duty?

It’s to show my gratitude and thankfulness to God for all he has done and is doing for us in Jesus, through our service to him.

So continue the good works that are admirable for a Christian, be doers of the word (James 1:22–25) – While you await the day when we hear the warmest words of all from our loving saviour – “Well done MY good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of the Lord”. (Matthew 25:21)


Charles Celestin

Charles Celestin

Total posts created: 19
I am a born-again believer in Jesus. I enjoy business, writing, creativity, graphics, and occasionally dabbles in making rap music. An avid supporter of all things truth, regardless of the absurdity. I have a beautiful wife, 2 kids, and a family business.

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