Waking Up from the Societal Matrix

I had the opportunity to be an extra on the set of the second and third Matrix movies when they were filmed here in Sydney. It certainly was an experience, not a glamorous or life-altering experience, but an experience all the same. I found that the Matrix movies were such a great visual illustration of what was happening in the world, with parallels I find even more fascinating now.

“What if I told you your perception, is a misconception, because of media deception.”

– Morpheus

The world is divided on so many things.

Politics. Racism.

Who is the instigator? Who is the victim? Who is the perpetrator?

Is there really human trafficking happening under our noses by the masses, or is that just the exaggeration of some insignificant, isolated incidences? What is really behind the global pandemic? Is it conspiracy theories, or is it real?

“… But test everything, hold fast what is good.” 1 Thessalonians 5:21

Disagreeing Distastefully

The media, both mainstream and social, play a huge role in filtering and presenting the information we consume. Information that we consider before choosing what side of the line we stand on, with all of these issues and more. It seems that for most of us, once we have made the decision, we are closed to considering, or even listening to another person’s perspective or experience.

We are living in a day and age where the art of agreeing to disagree is truly becoming a thing of the past, and differences of opinion are met with anger and hostility.

An emotional stance that does not allow much room for respect, patience and grace. This state of affairs is causing a great divide. Division like breaking up friendships, ending marriages and splitting up families. Morgan Freeman said, “Just because I disagree with you, does not mean I hate you. We need to relearn that in our society”. There are two huge issues I can see with the things I’ve mentioned.

Unpopular Perspective

One is that we are no longer living in a day and age where we can trust the integrity of the media. We can no longer assume that the information presented to us by the media is accurate and factual.

 “If you don’t read the newspaper, you’re uninformed. If you do read it, you’re misinformed.” 

– Denzel Washington

I’ve heard this time and time again. “The facts don’t matter anymore” along with statements like “I’d like to wait for the facts to come out,” is often immediately met with emotionally driven angry reactions.

How have we come to a place where wanting to hear the facts before forming an opinion is so offensive?

Having a perspective that goes against that of the masses, and the narrative being pushed by the powers that be, is counter-culture, and it appears less and less acceptable to allow anyone to express a viewpoint that is contrary to popular opinion and what has been accepted by the majority as true and correct. This brings me to the second issue.

 “The person who can manipulate the narrative, is the person who has the power.”

– Unknown 

This is the matrix!

Not the narrative we are expected to accept without question, but the fact that we actually ARE expected to blindly accept a predetermined agenda.

Predetermined by who? Good question.

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Ephesians 6:12  

There is more at play here than what appears to be. There always has been.

Is everything we see in the media incorrect? Maybe. Maybe not. With the exception of the Bible, few things these days are completely right, or completely wrong. The reality is the truth often lies somewhere in the middle. But to find it we have to evaluate, ask the questions, be prepared to stand alone when we come to a conclusion different to that of the loud majority.

Should we ignore everything we see and hear? Not at all. But unplugging from the matrix as believers passing through this world, living in a culture where there seems to be an unspoken expectation to ‘automatically accept’ what the world is presenting as normal and truthful.

We should filter every perspective, every viewpoint, through a filter of conviction and faith, rather than allow ourselves to be pressured and emotionally manipulated into conformity.

The believer’s foundation

Does that mean that as believers we are all going to come to the same conclusion, and be on the same side regarding all the issues affecting our culture and society today? Not at all.

“Not everyone who says to me ‘Lord, Lord’ will enter the kingdom of heaven…” Matthew 7:21

There is a church with the church. Even within THAT church, there will be differences of perspective and interpretation. Unplugging from the Matrix does not mean we will all live in Zion in perfect harmony, agreeing on everything like perfectly programmed robots. What it DOES mean is that, as believers, we will be able to discuss, dissect, analyse, present different perspectives and sometimes opposing views in discussions together.

As we walk in grace, kindness, tolerance, humility, peace and love, with each other AND with everyone else. We will be known for our ability to think critically and be accepting of people with different perspectives from ours.

We will be known for our love.

Abigail George

Abigail George

Total posts created: 8
Author Abigail George is a single mother of two who still lives where she grew up, in South West Sydney. She loves music, movies, reading, writing, everything outdoors, travelling, spending time with family and friends, and is heavily involved in serving at her church. The challenges she has faced in the last seven years has allowed her to grow closer to God, stronger in her faith, and more intentional about focusing on things with eternal significance.

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