Have you forgotten God?

Have you forgotten God?
Have you forgotten God?

We will expound briefly on [Ezekiel 22:12 (c)] “and have forgotten Me,” says the Lord GOD.” However, read the full portion of the selected scripture [Ezekiel 22:1-12] also.

God speaking to the Israelites is a reflection of him speaking to us today as we have idols, evil desires and sinful practices that we must get away from. So we shouldn’t in any capacity look at Israel’s history as a distant historic read or story but as a dear sobering reflection on the church today.

Where in your life have you forgotten God?

The biblical usage here uses the word forgotten as ‘ignore’. So we could rephrase the question, as where in your life have you ignored God? I believe each morning when you wake up God is calling you, trying to engage in conversation with you and desiring to meet with you. What is your first thought? What is your desire?

You see, Israel was wicked in this time of Ezekiel as they were selfish, lovers of money, wicked to parents and sexually deviant. We can see that resemblance in our society, but more frightfully in our church body.

[2 Timothy 3:1-7] Expounds potently on the desires of men and women in the modern world of 2021 we live in, cuts deep and the truth is apparent. Even though Paul under the inspiration and guidance of the Holy Spirit wrote to Timothy around 67AD. Wow, that’s God’s word for you, prophetic, sharp and everlasting.

Has the church, you; forgotten God?

Forgetting God has dire consequences for the church as individuals and as a whole. When we neglect the truth of God’s word and the call to live it out in obedience and fear, sin capitalises.

You can see in the modern church how many preachers and teachers are moving more toward the secular psychology and philosophy mix to exhort, encourage and instruct God’s people. I don’t recall God’s word telling me those areas are sharper than a two-edged sword or a discerner of thoughts and intent.

This is a personal challenge to you and to me that we need to wake up and push against this slumber and lethargy. It is potent and rife in the body today, cancerous and destructive to the growth of the church. Sin breeds like bacteria in the lukewarm, sin-accepting narrative of the modern church.

Let Us Remember

When someone forgets God and leaves his way, instructions and guidance, the path to every evil desire and potential opens up before them. Think of sin in your life and the ease it may have spread to other areas. There may be areas in your life where you willfully ignore God; perhaps something you may not want to give up. You feel it deep inside as and guilty pleasure that obstructs you from experiencing God more deeply and wholesomely.

Let us remember God, accept his ways and decide to engage and obey His word. Make no room for sin and fleshly desires, so my friend; fill it with Jesus. A key scripture to help start the journey to turn back to God;

[Pro 3:5-6 NKJV] 5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.

Reject the sin you accept, through the Holy Spirit. Acknowledge God; know him which in turn means to remember Him. Bring your heart before Jesus every day and let him purge out the sin and unholiness and train you in righteousness.

  • Ask God for forgiveness in the areas you have set up idols and ignored Him
  • Ask of God that He restore a heart for Him only
  • Lord teach me how to trust you will all my heart
Charles Celestin

Charles Celestin

Total posts created: 19
I am a born-again believer in Jesus. I enjoy business, writing, creativity, graphics, and occasionally dabbles in making rap music. An avid supporter of all things truth, regardless of the absurdity. I have a beautiful wife, 2 kids, and a family business.

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