Trusting God : Covid-19 : Watch What You Watch

Trusting God : Covid-19 : Watch What You Watch
Trusting God : Covid-19 : Watch What You Watch

There are few news stories these days without that word in them. The coronavirus is “officially” a pandemic that has brought a halt to the ‘business as usual’ everyday lives of people in countries all over the world. Shut down and shut in. Those of us who aren’t there yet, are preparing for it to come.

How do we face this international crisis which seems to get worse by the hour, so surreal it feels like a movie? I have never before experienced anything like this, but coming out of a season of personal struggles I’ve decided to apply the same strategy to this as I have the most recent challenges in my life. We all go through trials and challenges, but as Christians, the difference between our experience and the world’s is simply the hope we have in God. That hope changes our perspective and gives us assurance. How do we continue to be confident in this hope when the grocery shelves are empty, and the precautions are getting more stringent and extreme by the hour?

I keep this in mind when navigating the challenges of the current climate:

Watch What You Watch

Watch what you watch, read and listen too. Yes, we should keep updated and stay informed, but if we become obsessed with reading and listening to all the information available, we are certain to become anxious and stressed.

Philippians 4:6 tells us to “be anxious for nothing”, and ‘nothing’ really means NOTHING.

Watch messages and sermons that encourage you to keep your eyes on God! Share on X

As bad as things may seem right now, God already knew it was going to happen. He knew the situations we would face that have the potential to steal our peace, and tempt us to give way to the panic that comes with the uncertainty of the unknown. Know what protocols, precautions and recommendations we should adhere to all, but don’t make following the development of this pandemic, consume your life.

Watch the news and the updates, but also watch messages and sermons that encourage you to keep your eyes on God, to trust in the One who knows how all this ends. The beauty of modern technology means “social distancing” and having to “self-quarantine” doesn’t mean we can’t keep in touch and keep consuming positive, uplifting, encouraging content through social media and other platforms of communication. Keep music on that reminds you of the greatness of God, that speak His word, claim His promises, have confidence in His plans.

Read what individuals, churches, non-profit organisations and charities are doing at this time, how they are providing practical support and praying for those most impacted by this virus. See what you can do to serve and shine a light in these bleak circumstances, see how you can make a difference.

Abigail George

Abigail George

Total posts created: 8
Author Abigail George is a single mother of two who still lives where she grew up, in South West Sydney. She loves music, movies, reading, writing, everything outdoors, travelling, spending time with family and friends, and is heavily involved in serving at her church. The challenges she has faced in the last seven years has allowed her to grow closer to God, stronger in her faith, and more intentional about focusing on things with eternal significance.

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